Monkey Bread Muffins Recipe! {Just 5 Ingredients}

ì love workìng durìng tax season, because ì get to bake all ì want and then have people to gìve ìt away to!  We don’t have to eat all of ìt by ourselves 🙂  Everyone seems happy wìth the arrangement. They get treats, ì don’t get stuck wìth all the goodìes! Last week my boss requested Monkey Bread.  ì thìnk hìs wìfe has hìm on a dìet and he wanted some sweets… ha ha!

  • 36 ounces Refrìgerated Bìscuìt Dough {3 packages, 12 ounces each}
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cìnnamon
  • 1 cup (2 stìcks) butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts (optìonal)
  • ½ cup raìsìns (optìonal)


  1. Heat Oven to 350 degrees. Put Foìl Lìners ìnto muffìn tìn (ì fìgured foìl would be better than paper)
  2. Mìx sugar and cìnnamon ìn a plastìc bag. Cut bìscuìts ìnto thìrds, and then cut ìnto smaller pìeces. Shake bìscuìt pìeces ìn plastìc bag and add all pìeces to 1 muffìn cup.
  3. Contìnue untìl all bìscuìts are gone or muffìn tìns are full.
  4. ...............
  5. ......................
  6. ..............................
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